Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Looking forward to extending my education

One week from today classes start at Luther Rice Seminary. I will be taking two classes as this school year starts. At 54 years of age I didn't think I'd be in college again. But the Lord spoke to my heart and reminded me that I'll never be any younger and if not now then when. I've had a great ministry without a MDiv degree, but learning can only improve a person and their ministry. So here I go. Are you interested in expanding your education, then check out LRU yourself. They were one of the first seminaries to offer online learning. They are a leader in the field.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Has it been a year!!!

Man I knew I didn't post very often but a year! Well lets see what we can do. You can also follow me on twitter https://twitter.com/chaplaincolby and on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/randolph.colby