For What it's Worth is a place for sharing my thoughts about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Praying for a Miracle
As most of you know I'm not a person who is hung up on miracles. I believe God is great and able. He has performed miracles in the past, and continues to perform miracles today when and where he chooses. I am not a charismatic who forms a healing line, or a preacher who promises a miracle for your financial gift. But today I am praying for a miracle. A good friend has been in critical condition with pneumonia for over a week. The doctors have told his family that it will take a miracle for him to recover. The Holy Spirit has laid a burden on my heart to make such a bold request from the King of kings and Lord of lords. For the sake of the families privacy I am not publishing his name. God knows! If you feel so lead please join me in bold prayer by going before Jesus throne and asking for God to work as only He can! Jesus said "whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that I will do."