Sunday, October 25, 2009

The burger illustration

Some years ago a fast food chain ran an ad where a little old lady asked a cashier "where's the beef?". A good patty of quality ground beef is of course what all of us want when we get a burger. But I wondered if the same kind of question can be used in the church.The bible records the story of a group of people who inquired of the apostle Phillip "Sir we would see Jesus" (John 12:21).
If you are like me there have been times you have sat in church and thought "Where's Jesus!". This is what the people in John were saying. You know in many ways the church is like a burger, Jesus is the like the beef. He is what we really came to church for. Nothing else will curb our spiritual hunger, we must see Jesus. But sometimes he is made the smallest part of the burger, or church.
A good burger has condiments that complement the beef, mustard ketchup pickles etc.. But they are no substitute for the beef. In church we have many things that are good and when used correctly complement our visit with Jesus. Things like music, drama, bible study, and many other ministries. But they can't take the place of Jesus.
A good burger also has a wonderful bun. A good sweet fluffy hunk of bread that holds the beef and condiments together, but alone is little more than fluffy hot air. Church also has many things that hold everything together but by themselves are little more than fluffy hot air.
A good burger gets out of balance and loses it's appeal when roles are reversed and the main object is reduced in size and importance. That's why we too cry "where's the beef" when we get a burger with a large bun, and lots of condiments, but little beef. We seldom get another one.
Church also gets out of balance when we forget what is really important, Jesus. He is what's it's all about.
I pray that you don't have to holler "Where's Jesus?" in your church. If you do perhaps you should quietly ask the leadership in your churchthe question the people so long ago asked Phillip in John 12, "Sir we would see Jesus."

Friday, September 11, 2009

Ministry - calling or profession?

Jeremiah. 20.9 "But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones" Preachers, does the word of God burn in your heart as it did in the heart of the prophet Jeremiah? Does the word burn so hot that you are compelled to preach regardless of the cost? Is the ministry a calling that you are determined to follow regardless of cost, remuneration, or opposition?

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Some old advice that's still good!

For what it's worth, my first mentor in the ministry, Dr. AJ Wall, once told me that the first rule of Bible interpretation is "If the plain sense makes good sense, Then don't make any other sense out of it."

Monday, August 31, 2009

A survey for the ministers out there.

Was just wondering, A good survey might be

1) what is the most important work of the preacher,

a) preaching and preparing to preach,
b) praying,
c) caring for his sheep.
d) administration and meetings.

2) of the 4 items in question 1 what does the average preacher spend the most time on.

For those of us in the ministry, our answer to question 2 is far more important that what we answer in question 1.

Anyway was just wondering, for what it's worth.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Help Wanted

Positions now available across Kansas and the United States!

Pastors are you looking for an opportunity with unlimited ability to affect the future of America’s youth? Would you like to be able to have a lasting and far-reaching impact on the leaders of your community, state, and nation? Would you like to be able to obtain specialized ministry training that is difficult to get anywhere at any price?

Have you ever wondered what you would do if your community were hit by a mega disaster that affected not only everyone in your church but also everyone in the community? Would you like to be trained and ready for such an event?

Then I have the job for you and you can continue your current pastorate or ministry. However I should warn you that the qualifications are high, there is no pay, and the workload is never ending. Still interested? Then ask yourself these questions.

1. Do I have an earned bachelors degree from an accredited college or university?

2. Do I have an earned Masters degree from an accredited seminary or 5 years or more experience in the ministry?

3. Am I able to obtain a formal endorsement from an accredited endorsing agency for the military as a Chaplain?

4. Am I willing to devote time to training for professional ministry in a military and emergency setting?

5. Are you the kind of minister that responds to God’s calling regardless of pay or benefits?

Then email to get started on the greatest ministry opportunity of all time.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Praying for a Miracle

As most of you know I'm not a person who is hung up on miracles. I believe God is great and able. He has performed miracles in the past, and continues to perform miracles today when and where he chooses. I am not a charismatic who forms a healing line, or a preacher who promises a miracle for your financial gift. But today I am praying for a miracle. A good friend has been in critical condition with pneumonia for over a week. The doctors have told his family that it will take a miracle for him to recover. The Holy Spirit has laid a burden on my heart to make such a bold request from the King of kings and Lord of lords. For the sake of the families privacy I am not publishing his name. God knows! If you feel so lead please join me in bold prayer by going before Jesus throne and asking for God to work as only He can! Jesus said "whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that I will do."

Saturday, August 08, 2009

I hope you will follow my Blog

I have just added Googles follow widget to For What it's Worth. I hope if you enjoy what you read here you will follow the blog. Here's looking at you, For what it's worth.

ES Training for Civil Air Patrol

What do we do when the unthinkable happens? What do we do when everything falls apart? In CAP we train constantly for the time when a plane crashes, or someone is lost, or the horrible storm strikes and we are needed. But there are the storms in everyone's life. What do we do when our lives have fallen apart? The only way to know is to plan and prepare. How do we do that? Start with our relationship with our creator. the one who knows everything and controls everything. If we constantly train in how he wants us to live our lives and respond to the storms that are bound to occur, then we will be ready. We will respond, we will survive, and we also will help others through the storm. Start with Romans 10:13, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Abilene Stadium Eisenhower Park Abilene Kansas

I love history and Dwight Eisenhower is one of my favorite presidents. Lucky for me I live in Kansas his home state. Last June Kansas CAP held a SAREX in Abilene, Eisenhower's hometown, and I took some time to walk around the park where we were based. Standing in front of the Abilene Stadium I learned that this is where president Eisenhower declared his candidacy for the presidency in 1952 on June 6, the D-day anniversary. Suddenly I felt in awe knowing I was standing where Eisenhower stood and made history.

There is history all around us. I would challenge you to look for the history near you and learn about it and let it surround you. In fact let's never forget the we ourselves make history everyday. Everything we do affects someone in someway and makes history. The children around us may one day be a president, governor, or general. They may even be the next great evangelist and prophet that God will use to change our world.

Most importantly what will history say about you? Will it record you as a faithful servant of the living God and His Christ? What have you done to influence the future for Christ.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Randolph & Ethel Colby wedding 1952

Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. Ex 20:12

Parents are a great heritage. If yours are still living thank them personally for all their care, concern and love in bringing you up then thank God that you still are blessed with their presence. If perhaps your parents were not worthy and your childhood was not pleasant, still thank God for them because without them you would not have life, at least they gave you the gift of life. Mom and Dad may you both rest in peace.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Cross

The Cross 1
Originally uploaded by Kansas Image Maker.
The cross at the end of the prayer walk at the Colomban fathers retreat center in Omaha. Very nice reminder of what Christ did for us.


Just a quick note to remember that today is the first day of the rest of our lives. Whatever we do for Christ will be the only thing to last. What have you done today to improve your relationship with Christ your creator. may God bless each and everyone.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

German Tornado hooked up

What a view above White Sands NM. Highlight of a wonderful ride. Amazing what a difference 60 years make. During WW2 this German fighter would have been shot down, today as an allay we refuel him.

Jody 1982

Jody 1982
Originally uploaded by Kansas Image Maker.
My wife Jody in 1982.

Our Group

our group
Originally uploaded by Kansas Image Maker.
The great group of CAP'ers and Air Force crew that made the tanker ride possible. Many Thanks to the 22nd ARW.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Boy am I bad at updating

The title says it all. I am so bad at updating. Well here is an update. I'm still at Dillon's, still a CAP chaplain, still married, just passed the 30 year mark, and still alive. Hey check out my flickr sight or facebook page. Lots of info of my recent life. Let's try this again and see if I can update at least once a week.