For What it's Worth is a place for sharing my thoughts about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
New (old) camera and fun
In a bid to try and simplify my life, and photography I purchased on ebay an old Canon Canonet QL17 rangefinder for under $18.00 including shipping. The camera is very small and light but with a fast 40mm f 1.7 lens that is reputed to very sharp. I have included here two shots from my first time out with the camera. So far so good, I like the shots and will soon shoot more film, next time in black and white.
I will frankly admit that if you are shooting for profit digital is the only way to go. The cost savings are just too great. I am finding more and more however that for my personal satisfaction simple cameras and film are better for me. In my middle age I prefer to concentrate more on the content of an image and less on handling equipment. After all photography should be a way of expressing oneself. Each image should say something. I hope the images here on "for what it's worth" say something to you. God bless.