Monday, September 27, 2010


Capflight 1499
Originally uploaded by Kansas Image Maker.
Yes CAP stands for Civil AIR Patrol. One of the benefits of being a CAP chaplain is getting to fly in aircraft like this. Email me for information on how to get involved.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I have a Dream

I have a dream. I dream of a minister who makes a difference in their community, and a preacher who is instrumental in changing lives for the better. I dream of a minister who understands what God has said and a preacher who preaches in a way that makes others understand what God has said. I dream of a minister who helps others see Christ and a preacher who preaches the grace of God. I dream of a minister who loves and cares for people unconditionally, and a preacher who, like the prophets of old, rejoices in righteousness and weeps over sin.

I have a dream. I dream of a ministry that is a refreshing from the Spirit in the midst of the dry church dessert of the 21st century. I dream of a ministry that proclaims Christ as the only answer in the midst of a mindset of self-help programs. I dream of a ministry that is built upon the resources of the Kingdom of God in the midst of self-dependence and greed. I dream of a ministry that never forgets that programs can never replace the Spirit of the living God.

I have a dream. I dream of standing before God after my life has been lived with my ministry over and hearing the words, well done thou good and faithful servant. I dream of then looking out over the multitudes in heaven and seeing many who are there because I was a good and faithful servant.

Yes, I have a dream.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Core Values


The whole subject of values is of great value to me. I have personally face conflict of values in my ministry. Unfortunately I learned of the differences too late and understand the great divorce that Malphurs speaks about. Pastor Andy could have been me. I will begin with a definition.

Definition of Core Values

Core values are the primary beliefs that you carry into the ministry. They are constant, passionate, and biblical.[1] Every individual has them. We may not be aware of them or have even thought about them. We have them nonetheless. Those core values are formed through many sources. Everyone is taught values from an early age. Our family contributes to them through everyday life and discipline. Values are observed in the lives of our family and friends on a daily basis. Churches contribute to them through pastors and Sunday school teachers. Schools contribute through teachers and curriculum. Coaches contribute through their practices and games.

These values make us who we are. They define us. They energize us. They drive everything we do. Not knowing what they are in a concrete conscious level can sabotage our ministry.

Application of Core Values to Ministry

Our values are part of what makes us unique. They drive our ministry and allow us to do things that no one else can do for God. However as Malphurs points out, it is to our peril if we neglect differences in our values and the values of a ministry we may be leading.[2]Values of an organization come form as many and varied sources as our personal values. They are held just as dear to the members of the organization as you or I hold ours.

We should endeavor to determine the values of an organization before we enter into leadership. If this didn’t happen, then it should become priority number one. Every effort should be made to determine the values of both ourselves and the organization we lead. Differences should then be worked out as quickly as possible.

My Core Values

I will now list my top six values. This is a difficult process, and one that is still in formation. However at this time the following are my core values.

  1. The power and integrity of Scripture, the Holy Bible is the inspired word of God and will do as it has promised. “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Heb 4:12
  2. People are first, Jesus came to minister to people. All the ministry instructions in Scripture are about dealing with people. The only thing from this life we can take to heaven is people. No church can be built without people. Even the Greek word translated church, ekklesia, means a calling out, (A.H, Strong) of people.
  3. Excellence, “whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might,” (Ec 9:10). Whatever we do, especially in our service and worship to God should be done with excellence. Anything less is dishonoring to Christ
  4. Simplicity, ”Simply let your ’Yes’ be ’Yes,’ and your ’No,’ ’No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one”. Mt 5:37
  5. The equality of all people as expressed in James 2.1-8
  6. We are not owners of property but rather stewards of God property. Matthew 25.14-30


Core values are part of who we are and everything we do. Core values have great application to our ministry. Any differences in the values of ministries we lead on our own lead to conflict. My personal core values consist of the integrity of Scripture; people are first, excellence, simplicity, the equality of all people and stewardship.

[1]Ministry Nuts and Bolts, Copyright 2009, Aubrey Malphurs, Kregel Publications Grand Rapids Michigan P 21-23

[2] Ibid P.43

Friday, September 10, 2010

Values what is important to you?

In one of my seminary classes we were required to write about two of our core values. The following is what I submitted.

1. People are first – Jesus came to minister to people. All the ministry instructions in Scripture are about dealing with people. The only thing from this life we can take to heaven is people. No church can be built without people. Even the Greek word translated church, ekklesia, means a calling out, (Strong) of people.

2. Excellence - Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, (Ec 9:10). Whatever we do, especially in our service and worship to God should be done with excellence. Anything less is dishonoring to Christ. I don’t mean perfection. Regardless of a persons intelligence, or ability they should strive to do everything to the best of their ability. Could it be that a church’s lack of preparation and excellence in their worship and programs be the cause of turning people away from Christ?

Values - what are your values? Not sure what they are? A good place to start is asking yourself where you spend most of your time and money. God Bless.

Friday, September 03, 2010

The Church and Social Media

I've noticed that most churches totally ignore social media. I find this sad. The apostle Paul wrote that he desired to become all things to all men that he might by all means win some. The church today is facing reduced influence and declining impact on the world around us. This is the time, above all others, that the church must utilize all means available to make an impact on our communities.
The greatest challenge is not technology or cost. The greatest challenge is the attitude of churches and Christians today. It is proper church-speak to talk about winning the lost, but the inactivity and lack of any outreach speaks the truth. The church really doesn't want to reach people for Christ.
I would like to issue a challenge those Christians who care about reaching a lost world with the gospel to go where most churches don't dare to go, and that is use the social media most of us already use, to reach others for Christ. Lets change this trend.
You all can find me on FaceBook, and Twitter. God bless

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

An observation from Mark 5

I recently read Mark chapter 5. The demon possessed man went home and told everyone how Jesus had delivered him from the demons. He told a real story about how Jesus had touched his life and changed him. People took notice and listened. It occurred to me that as Christians we are constantly challenged to share Jesus and evangelize the lost. Here lies the real lesson for us in this mans storytelling, perhaps the reason Christians today are slow to tell the story of Jesus and so few listen when we do tell it is, Jesus has never done anything in our lives. Has Jesus delivered you or are you a merely a cultural Christian out of habit?